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Who we are: The Organic Trade Association (OTA) is the membership-based business association for the organic industry in North America. OTA’s mission is to promote and protect organic trade to benefit the environment, farmers, the public, and the economy. OTA envisions organic products becoming a significant part of everyday life, enhancing people's lives and the environment.  

OTA represents businesses across the organic supply chain and addresses all things organic, including food, fiber/textiles, personal care products, and new sectors as they develop. Over sixty percent of OTA trade members are small businesses. 

What we do:

  • Advocate for organic standards in which consumer can have confidence
  • Develop and refine standards for new product areas
  • Support the transition to organic farming, processing, and handling through its website HowToGoOrganic.com
  • Educate the public about organic through press releases, events, a media newsletter What's News in Organic, the Organic. It's worth it consumer campaign, its consumer newsletter, Facebook and Twitter.
  • Provide a virtual marketplace for the exchange of organic products and servcies via TheOrganicPagesOnline and an online Export Directory.
  • Support scientific research on organic production and processing

Canada Organic Trade Association
OTA was founded by Americans and Canadians and has always served members in Canada.