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Savvy Organic ShopperBe sure to subscribe to our RSS Feed for the latest news and tips on buying organic products easily and affordably. Feel free to spread the wealth and share what you learn here with your friends and followers online!

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A Healthy Start

Our Savvy Organic shopper was recently invited to a baby shower and she wanted to bring fitted baby sheets as a gift. Before driving store-to-store, she decided to do some on-line shopping.

Well Worth It

Craving something bubbly, our Savvy Organic Shopper drove to Safeway in Upper Marlboro, Maryland and found O Organics Blood Orange soda on sale for $2.99.

A Great Deal

After visiting our nation’s capital for Martin Luther King, JR Day, our Savvy Organic Shopper headed home.

A Great Fruit Find

Our Savvy Organic Shopper is a huge fan of citrus fruit, so when she was recently at Wegmans in Northborough, MA, bags of grapefruits caught her eye.  Initially, she saw only non-organic grape

Healthy Holiday

Broccoli casserole is a staple on our Savvy Organic Shopper’s holiday menu.

Spice It Up

Our Savvy Organic Shopper loves to bake, particularly around the holidays.

You’re the Apple for My Pie

Our Savvy Organic Shopper is currently up in Portland, Maine preparing for Thanksgiving. This year, she plans to bake a home-made apple pie, but she needs the main ingredient: apples, of course!

Snack Time

Our Savvy Organic Shopper recently decided to do some fall camping in Zion Canyon. On the way, she stopped at Natural  Grocers in Washington, UT to get some camping snacks.

Better for Baby

Our Savvy Organic Shopper’s co-worker just had a baby, so she went to www.betterforbabies.com and found a great deal on reusable organic diapers.

Got Milk?

Got milk®? Our Savvy Organic Shopper does! Using a $1.00 off coupon from horizondairy.com, she paid for just $1.99 for organic milk at Safeway in Portland, Oregon.