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Craving something bubbly, our Savvy Organic Shopper drove to Safeway in Upper Marlboro, Maryland and found O Organics Blood Orange soda on sale for $2.99.
Our Savvy Organic Shopper is currently up in Portland, Maine preparing for Thanksgiving. This year, she plans to bake a home-made apple pie, but she needs the main ingredient: apples, of course!
Got milk®? Our Savvy Organic Shopper does! Using a $1.00 off coupon from, she paid for just $1.99 for organic milk at Safeway in Portland, Oregon.
Cherries are among our Savvy Organic Shopper’s favorite summertime foods. She was pleasantly surprised, then, when she found organic cherries on sale for just $4.99 per pound at Trader Joe’s
Like many people, our Savvy Organic Shopper plans to serve up lots of food this Memorial Day. Among the items on the menu: hamburgers with all the fixings.
Our Savvy Organic Shopper loves to buy organic clothing. Made without the use of toxic and synthetic pesticides, it is great for her health as well as the health of the planet.
On a recent trip to Wegmans in Sterling, VA, our Savvy Organic Shopper found competitive prices on organic waffles and maple syrup, which her kids love to eat for breakfast.
Click here for helpful hints on how you can enjoy more of your favorite organic products for less.
Blog Info
Welcome to the Savvy Organic Shopper blog!
Each week, we’ll be sending our Savvy Organic Shopper (SOS) out into the marketplace in search of the best deals on organic products. S/he will scour supermarket shelves, local farmers’ markets, and the web to find you the best bargains out there. We’ll then post his/her findings here, on the SOS blog, letting you know where you need to go and what you need to do to take advantage of these great organic offers.
Stay tuned to discover why buying organic is easier and more affordable than ever before!