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Private Label Products

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USDAOn a recent trip to Safeway in Washington, D.C., our Savvy Organic Shopper found that the price of a number of organic products beat out their non-organic, name-brand equivalents. A 32-ounce container of private label (more commonly thought of as “store-brand”) O Organics chicken broth was $2.99, while the same amount of non-organic chicken broth was $3.19. O Organics Tortilla Chips (10 0z.) were on sale for 2 for $6.00, whereas non-organic Tostitos Restaurant Style Tortilla Chips were $3.67 each.  At the same time, O Organics 32-ounce Soy Milk was priced at $1.79, while the same quantity of natural Soy Milk was $2.49.

Private label products are a great place to start when you are looking to incorporate more organic into your life. Offering staple organic products at prices competitive with non-organic, brand-name products, they make buying organic an easy and affordable choice.