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Healthy Holiday

Broccoli casserole is a staple on our Savvy Organic Shopper’s holiday menu.

You’re the Apple for My Pie

Our Savvy Organic Shopper is currently up in Portland, Maine preparing for Thanksgiving. This year, she plans to bake a home-made apple pie, but she needs the main ingredient: apples, of course!

The Better Buy

Our Savvy Organic Shopper was browsing www.OrganicItsWorthIt.org for some vegan recipes when she stumbled upon an amazing cauliflower casserole dish.

A Quick Fix

Our Savvy Organic Shopper recently went to Publix in Jacksonville, FL to pick up a quick dinner for her kids.

A Healthier Choice

As we’ve mentioned before, our Savvy Organic Shopper is a big fan of quick-fix meals—particularly when she is able to find affordably priced organic ingredients with which to make them.

A Simple Solution

Our Savvy Organic Shopper likes to keep her pantry stocked with simple home remedies, just in case she or one of

Mid-Morning Snack

Like many people, our Savvy Organic Shopper likes to enjoy a piece of fruit as a mid-morning snack.

Soup's Up!

This week, our Savvy Organic Shopper made a trip to Whole Foods Market in Austin, TX in search of one of her favorite, quick-fix lunch items: soup.

Smart Snacking

On a recent trip to Whole Foods Market (WFM) in Hadley, MA, our Savvy Organic Shopper went in search healthy snacks to bring with her to work.

Making the Switch

As part of her New Year’s Resolution to make healthier food choices, our Savvy Organic Shopper has decided to trade soda in for organic juice.